Yesterday's goal was to create a schedule for my day, including meals. This tactic has worked well for me in the past, because I tend to fill free time with food. I eat, not because I am hungry, but because I have nothing better to do. Making a schedule, even if I do not stick to the timing minute by minute or hour by hour helps me to remember all the other things I could be doing with my time. When this tactic really works, I even get a few things off my to-do list or spend time enjoying myself with a hobby.
So, how did it go yesterday? OK. I made my schedule, did the things on it, including meal time. In this sense I was successful. But the underlying goal, to remain within allowable limits for caloric consumption (aka, to not eat like a pig)? Eh. I did mostly ok, but I ate too much at lunchtime. I had my sandwich and salad, and afterwards I looked around and said, "Now what else can I eat?" Then, I answered myself. I had a bowl of cereal. With this addition, I was very close to my allotted points for the day, at only half past noon, and I struggled to avoid going completely over the top after returning from the grocery store.
Sometimes I find it is good to look back on the challenges of yesterday in order to formulate a goal for today. For, today is a pseudo-weekend, the much loved Monday holiday! Yay to free time and staying in my pj's all day; nay to binging on snickerdoodles while watching multiple documentaries on Netflix.
I plan to avoid the "What can I eat next" question with a big glass of water and a stick of gum (if needed). Initially, I decided on just the piece of gum (or a brush of the teeth), but the thought of eating an egg and toast followed closely with minty-fresh chewing gum grosses me out. Maybe the glass of water will be enough, but I'm armed and ready, if the need for further distraction arises.
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